Monday, February 10, 2020

How To Get Silky Hair - Tips For Soft and Long Hair

Every woman desires to have soft and silky. But sometimes does it come true. For some women, it arrives as a part of the family genes. But others just try for it. 

Here are the common useful tips to get the silky texture you have always wanted :

1. Coconut Oil :

Coconut oil is a proposed and tested method for thick, silky hair. Use coconut oil to the roots of your hair and leave it for at least 2 hours. 

2. Beer :

The two main components in beer hops and malt are proteins that can support reinforce hair and the sugar in the beer helps close your hair's integument. Shampoo your hair correctly and then apply the beer to your hair making sure to cover all hair strands from root to tip. Leave it on for 2 minutes and then wash it off with water. 

3. Grapeseed Oil :

The regenerative qualities included in grapeseed oil work wonders for your hair as well as provide the scalp. Just take a complete as you think you want and run it through your hair with your fingers from root to tip.

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4. Do an Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse :

After washing your hair, combine apple cider vinegar and water and pour it on your scalp. Let the liquid sit for one to two minutes at least, but you can let it sit for up to ten minutes before washing. 

5. Trap Heat :

Dampen the inside of a terry-lined bath cap with warm water, and wear it for 10 minutes while the conditioner is in your hair. The cap will trap in the steam that opens up hair follicles, so your hair will dry in all that good stuff. 

6. Don't Wash Too Well :

Meet the instinct to get squeaky clean. After using conditioner, Clean with cool water until your hair is lightly smooth. The conditioner that's left on your strands will keep working during the day.

7. Get a Silk Pillow Cover :

Want a super-easy way to soften your strands. Switch to a silk pillowcase. Cloth receives moisture and will suck up all the essential oils from your hair. Silk will maintain these oils. 

8. Hot Oil Treatment :

A hot oil massage once a week will not only give you strong and smooth hair, but it will also encourage you de-stress. Use oils such as coconut, olive, sweet almond, and thyme to press your hair. You can also use the mixture of these oils for more reliable results. 

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